Friday, November 30, 2007

Studio Friday - 7 Random Facts about My Studio Habits

Stolen Moments Studio

1. Pieces of my creative past - This little guy is something I made in kindergarten that sat in my dad's office at work all his years. When he passed away a few years ago, this creation finally came back to me. I love that my dad kept this among his things at work.

2. I always have something piled on my studio table. Sometimes it is art related, often it is clean laundry that needs to be put away. Chester, my cat, climbs on my table every night in the middle of the night and purposely bats at things to try to wake me up. (My studio is in the corner of our bedroom.) It would be best to have it cleaned off all the time so he can't do this to me, but this is near impossible.

3. My Mom - I have a photo of my mom on my shelf above my table. She was the one who helped me to free my creative spirit. I miss her and love that she watches over me here.

4. I use materials from passed on loved ones in my artwork. Here is my Mom's button box that I remember fondly from when I was a child. The little box of "oddities" contain all kinds of things I didn't know where to put, so this box contains them. Many of the things inside come from my husband's grandma's craft stash that I happily helped to pilfer (er, I mean clean out).

5. This is my official sign that I made that hangs in my studio. It is not the most eye appealing to me and it took me many months to finally complete it. This will stay until I get a better idea.

6. I love to be organized - but things don't always work out that way. Here is a peek into one of my drawers, but also you will see the piles of stuff that lay on the floor that need a place to go. I would love to stay on top of putting things away instead of having this PILE that never seems to go away.

7. Random Studio Habit 7 - I so hate to admit it, but I am thoroughly challenged to find any moments lately to work creatively. This frustrates me so. Hopefully I can get back soon.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kim Bap - Korean Sushi

Can you believe I helped to make this beautiful Kim Bap?? For the international potluck at the College, our current Korean daughter, Eun Yeong and her friend (Kyung Hee) and I made these to take along. I have to say that they were the best Kim Bap I have ever eaten.

Here is Eun Yeong (on the right) and Kyung Hee (she calls herself Willy) in their hanboks at the dinner. J and C wore their hanboks too.